According to the latest findings of the Austrian Society for Psychology (ÖGP), the number of people with depression is constantly increasing. At the same time, there has also been an increase in narcissism.
While narcissists are often seen as arrogant and in love with themselves, there is often a great deal of insecurity under this mask. At a time when professional and personal demands are constantly increasing, this often leads to depression, especially among people with a narcissistic personality structure. The President of the German Society of Psychology, Jürgen Margraf, also points out: „The average person overestimates the average income, the average body size, even the average bust or penis length. It’s incredible what’s overrated.“ (Source Salzburg24)
The more the discrepancy between one’s own perception and actual reality develops, the greater the risk of suffering from depression or another disorder. There is a connection between the increase in depression and narcissism.
I do not regard narcissism itself as a disorder, but as a personality structure and protective mechanism. It can happen that a person’s narcissistic structure „overreacts“ and classifies even minor insults as a threat or danger. Psychotherapy can help to reunite the perception of one’s own personality with reality. In dialogue with the psychotherapist, the affected person receives a reflected perspective and feedback on the relationship between self-perception and external perception. In this way, the affected person is able to bring his or her own emotional life back into balance.
If you experience your narcissistic personality structure as a burden or blockade, I recommend to arrange a free initial consultation. Therapy can help to release this blockage!

Seit 2011 arbeite ich als Psychotherapeut in freier Praxis in 1180 Wien. Ich unterstütze meine Klienten mit meiner Expertise und persönlichen Erfahrung in verschiedenen Lebenskrisen. Als Therapiemethodik kombiniere ich die integrative Gestalttherapie mit einem tiefenpsychologischen Ansatz.